The D Zone Basketball Shootout: Crestwood beat Saint Clair Shores Lake Shore CrestwoodSt Clair Shores Lake ShorePublished 06/20/2022 by Jeff Corrion
The D Zone Basketball Shootout: Melvindale beat St. Clair Shores Lake ShoreMelvindaleSt Clair Shores Lake ShorePublished 06/20/2022 by Jeff Corrion
The D Zone Basketball Shootout: Romeo beat St. Clair Shores Lake Shore RomeoSt Clair Shores Lake ShorePublished 06/20/2022 by Jeff Corrion
In game #3 at the MSU Basketball Camp, Walled Lake Northern beat Lake Shore 52-29Walled Lake NorthernSt Clair Shores Lake ShorePublished 06/21/2018 by Jeff Corrion
2019 Caleb Bates (Michigan Mustangs/Lake Shore) C2K Classic HighlightsCaleb Bates#2Michigan MustangsSt Clair Shores Lake ShorePublished 05/25/2018 by Jeff Corrion